Apple picking in Khachmaz, Azerbaijan, 19 September 2023. WHO / Sue Price

Food safety is everyone’s business and all of the players along the production chain can do their part. 

Promising opportunities exist for climate finance with vertical funds, including the Green Climate Fund and Global Environment Facility. Rangga Bimantara/Adobe Stock

A Chronicle Conversation with Pradeep Kurukulasuriya (Part 1)

In April 2024, Pradeep Kurukulasuriya was appointed Executive Secretary of the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF). The UN Chronicle took the opportunity to ask Mr. Kurukulasuriya about the Fund and its unique role in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This is Part 1 of our two-part interview.

Participants at the 4th Civil Society Forum of the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions at UNESCO headquarters, Paris, 5 June 2023. Cyril Bailleul
Marie-Julie Desrochers

Cultural Diversity in the Digital Age: A Pillar for Sustainable Development

Two important issues affecting the protection and promotion of cultural diversity deserve our attention: the question of discoverability of local and national content, and the impact of generative artificial intelligence (AI).

Wild bees on a lotus flower in Suan Plu Public Park, Bangkok, Thailand. Pierre Ferrand
Ronnie Brathwaite

“Bee Engaged with Youth” to Safeguard Bees and Other Pollinators

As we celebrate World Bee Day on 20 May, let us remember how crucial it is to prioritize efforts to protect bees and other pollinators. FAO is committed to supporting youth, who have a key role to play in fostering the transformative changes and future initiatives and activities needed to save our bees and other pollinators.  

Adobe Stock/khwanchai
Cosmas Zavazava 

Digital Innovation—Key to Unlocking Sustainable Development 

Digital tools have the potential to accelerate human progress, but those who are not online are most at risk of being left behind.

New mother, Fatoumata, and her child in Mali, 24 January 2024. Since the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development, maternal mortality has declined 34 per cent and child mortality has been cut in half. © UNFPA Mali/Amadou Maiga
John Wilmoth and Julia Bunting

Thirty Years On, Leaders Need to Recommit to the International Conference on Population and Development Agenda

With the gains from the Cairo conference now in peril, the population and development framework is more relevant than ever. At the end of April 2024, countries will convene to review the progress made on the ICPD agenda during the annual session of the Commission on Population and Development.

Also featured

Young girls pumping water at a public borehole in West Africa. Riccardo Niels Mayer/Adobe Stock
Elina Kalkku

The LDC Future Forum: Accelerating the Attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Least Developed Countries

The desired outcome of the LDC Future Forums is the dissemination of practical and evidence-based case studies, solutions and policy recommendations for achieving sustainable development.

Houses and parked cars in Jerteh, Terengganu, Malaysia, 2020. Pok Rie
Raya Muttarak

Population and Climate Change: Decent Living for All without Compromising Climate Mitigation

A rise in the demand for energy linked to increasing incomes should not be justification for keeping people in poverty solely to avoid an escalation in emissions and its effects on climate change. 

Monument commemorating the Curaçao Slave Revolt of 1795. Charles Hoffman/Wikimedia Commons
Hilary McD. Beckles

From Local Moments to Global Movement: Reparation Mechanisms and a Development Framework

For two centuries, emancipated Black people have been calling for reparations for the crimes committed against them. 

A group of self-advocates at a World Down Syndrome Day event in Kenya, 2023. Down Syndrome Society of Kenya
Rhonda Faragher

World Down Syndrome Day: A Chance to End the Stereotypes

The international community, led by the United Nations, can continue to improve the lives of people with Down syndrome by addressing stereotypes and misconceptions.

Chronicle Conversations

Chronicle Conversation with United Nations Under-Secretary-General Amandeep Gill, 20 July 2023

Under-Secretary-General Amandeep Gill, the Secretary-General's Envoy on Technology, discusses the state of artificial intelligence (AI), its potential use by the United Nations to address global problems, and the need for international AI governance. 

Youth Issues

The UN Chronicle interviews youth environmental activist Aditya Mukarji

Lyubov Ginzburg of the UN Chronicle interviews fifteen-year-old environmental activist Aditya Mukarji on the problem of plastic pollution and the first-ever United Nations Youth Climate Action Summit. 22 September 2019, New York

Legacy Showcase

Vol. XLVI No. 3 & 4 2009

SPECIAL CLIMATE CHANGE ISSUE: To protect succeeding generations...

This special double issue focuses on the impact of climate change, and includes essays on the ecology of recycling; financial innovations and carbon markets; biotechnology; global warming; and the true costs of conventional energy.

Vol. LIII No. 4 2016

Human Rights

This issue assesses progress in promoting and protecting human rights throughout the world. Prepared in recognition of the fiftieth anniversary of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, both adopted in 1966, the articles examine, among other things, the responsibility of the United Nations to protect vulnerable populations from genocide and the evolving role of the Human Rights Council.

Latest Reports

State of World Population 2024 | United Nations Population Fund

State of World Population 2024 | Interwoven Lives, Threads of Hope

A safe birth. A choice of contraceptives. Protection from gender-based violence. More people than ever before have realized these essential, life-sustaining rights. But the number of people denied these rights has not yet reached zero as it can and as it must.

About the UN Chronicle

The UN Chronicle, produced by the United Nations Department of Global Communications, has served as the Organization’s flagship magazine since 1946, providing authoritative information and debate on the activities of the larger United Nations system. Learn more...

Construction of UN Permanent Headquarters in New York, 1 August 1950. UN Photo/ES